Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Awesome mail day!

Yesterday was another good day for me when I got out of work. Not only was I done for the day for work, but I was going out to eat with some really good friends of mine. Oh yeah I also had this awesome card waiting for me when I got home. Last week I saw this card posted on one of the many baseball card groups on Facebook. This group I haven't done much with, mostly because I'm afraid to get scammed and I see posts of people saying this person scammed that person. Well I thought I would take a chance on this David Price 2009 Topps Finest manufactured autograph patch. It was a great deal that I couldn't pass up on and it obviously worked out for me. This is my second autograph letter patch card (first being a Porcello) and I love these cards.

I would like to also give a shout-out to my best friend Augie for taking my laptop and cleaning it up for me. Now I write my blog while watching my Tigers!


  1. Nice pick up! I just added you to my blog list after coming across your account on Reddit.

    1. Thanks! Do you have a blog also?

    2. I do -- it is offhiatusbaseball.blogspot.com.

      Sorry it took a while to respond -- I forgot to click the "Notify me" button!

    3. sweet! I will check it out
